Prepare for Pregnancy

Why you should start preparing for pregnancy NOW

If you’re reading this, you’re probably already interested in natural fertility support.
But maybe you’re thinking... Why should I start preparing for pregnancy now?
Especially if you know you’ll want kids in the next few years but you aren’t ready juuust yet.
What a lot of people don’t realize is that if you start preparing for pregnancy before you want to conceive, you can support your body & your eggs to be at peak health during conception and pregnancy.
Basically, the sooner you start preparing for pregnancy, the better. Even if you aren’t planning to have a baby this year.
That’s why we recommend that all our patients who want to have a baby within the next 2 years start preparing for pregnancy today!
Because our eggs have an expiration date. With each passing year (and month… and day…) our eggs are getting older.
We’re born with all our eggs, and we can’t make more.
But you can invest in your future family by making lifestyle changes that can positively impact your eggs and sperm.
Take it from us: there’s nothing worse than the feeling of wanting desperately to get pregnant… but seeing negative pregnancy tests month after month.
And knowing that you only have a limited number of months left until it’s too late.
By preparing your body early, you can prime yourself for a smooth conception and a healthy pregnancy.
And these lifestyle changes can actually support your overall egg and sperm quality to have the healthiest baby possible.
One sperm and one egg — that’s all it takes. So why not do everything you can to support the vitality of your baby?
By starting to prepare TODAY, you can actually…

1.  Ready your body for an easy conception
2.  Make sure you’re getting all the nutrients you need for a healthy pregnancy (build a store of nutrients so that your body never gets depleted)
3.  And support the overall quality and vitality of your eggs and sperm

    … Not only that, but we’ve had hundreds of women over the years tell us that getting on our recommended pregnancy preparedness regimen has made them feel the best they’ve ever felt in their lives, physically and mentally.

    Improved whole-body health? Check ✅

    Those are 4 pretty good reasons to start today, right?

    And if you’re reading this and wondering, “okay, but how exactly can I prepare my body for pregnancy? What are the lifestyle changes I should start making today?”

    … Don’t worry ;)

    In the next few days we’ll be opening enrollment for our signature course, Prepare for Pregnancy Protocol, and we’re so excited to share with you everything we’ve learned as natural fertility doctors for over 30 combined years.

    Keep an eye out for that email and mark your calendar for October 16, when we’ll be sending out EXCLUSIVE access to early enrollment in the course (at a discount)!

    Warmest wishes,
    Dr. Kara and Dr. Hillary
    Founders, Cultivate Fertility



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