Essential fatty acids nutritious healthy seed mix, chia, hemp, sesame, sunflower, pumpkin healthy vegan fats

Vegan Omega 3 Fatty Acids : Eating Seeds For Fertility

Seeds are a great way to add essential fatty acids to your diet – adding value to your meal. They are a wonderful vegan source of Omega-3 fatty acids. The three most valuable Omega 3 fatty acids are ALA (mostly found in plants) EPA and DHA (mostly found in animal foods like fatty fish.)
In your reproductive system, Omega 3 fatty acids :
~ Increase luteal progesterone levels (to help prepare uterine lining for fertilization)
~ Lower risk for anovulation (not releasing an egg)
~ Lower risk for endometriosis
~ Lower FSH levels in (normal weight women) a factor for some women trying to conceive
~ Higher clinical pregnancy and live birth rates

We recommend all of our fertility patients to increase the amount of Omega 3 fatty acids into their diet to make strong robust hormones necessary for optimal reproductive functioning.

SEEDS IN THE MIX (but any combo of these seeds is great) :
PUMPKIN SEEDS : provide high amounts of zinc
SUNFLOWER SEEDS : are high in calcium, iron, magnesium and B vitamins
CHIA SEEDS : are high in Omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and calcium
FLAX SEEDS : are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids, lignin and fiber
HEMP HEARTS : are high in Omega-3 fatty acids and iron
SESAME SEEDS : black and white varieties – are high in calcium zinc and fiber
Mix them up in a jar for the fridge – any food with any kind of fat should be stored in the refrigerator to keep the fats from going rancid.
Top any salad, toast with avocado, nut butter, hummus, or any spread, breakfast bowl, smoothie bowl, cooked vegetable, soups....adding flavor and texture to your food. The best thing about this seed mix, is that it goes well with sweet and savory flavor profiles.
It's a really simple way to "level up" your food, nutritionally and visually (who doesn't like beautiful food) - sprinkle with your favorite sea salt and whatever you are eating becomes a masterpiece!


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