There may be no safe level of caffeine during pregnancy
There may be no safe level of caffeine during pregnancy, literature review indicates.
A new data analysis reveals that there may be “NO SAFE LEVEL OF CAFFEINE during pregnancy,” according the author of this BREAKING NEWS. The review of literature as published in the British Medical Journal Evidence-Based Medicine, examines 37 observational studies on the link between caffeine and pregnancy outcomes (1). James, the author, claims maternal caffeine consumption is reliably associated with:
- miscarriage
- stillbirth
- low birth weight and/or small for gestational age
- childhood acute leukemia
These are some heavy substantial claims. While leading obstetric and gynecological institutions (American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and United Kingdom's Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) have both responded similarly to this new analysis by claiming “there is no need for an immediate change to the current guidance" based on this research, we believe better safe than sorry.
Up to 200 mg of caffeine (roughly 2 cups of instant coffee) per day is what this “current guidance” says. Caffeine is a habit-forming substance and takes time to wean down from. For those of you preparing your body for pregnancy, now is an ideal time to begin weaning your caffeine consumption down to completely break the habit when you are pregnant eliminating the link between caffeine and pregnancy outcomes as identified in this review.
To wean yourself down, we recommend doing so incrementally, if you can’t quit cold turkey. Halve your normal intake each day (or every couple days), then halve it again, all the way down to none. If you are a big coffee drinker, try switching to tea – most green tea is less caffeinated than black...Depending on your habit, your weaning path may be from
☕️coffee -> ☕️black tea -> 🍵green tea -> 🌿non-caffeinated tea.
There are a number of new roasted herbal coffees that serve as caffeine alternatives, typically made from dandelion root (a great detox herb). We like the Teccino brand of herbal coffees available in many different flavors. Rooibos tea is also a great alternative with a delicious roasted full taste, also available in different flavors.
We encourage you to experiment and explore new alternatives to your caffeine ritual. Removing as many obstacles as possible to increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy is what we are here to inform you of, and we err on the side of caution. Let us remind you that this break from caffeine may be temporary...and that once that healthy baby arrives 👼🏼, that cup of coffee may become a renewed and welcomed necessity 🥱....and oh how wonderful it will be! ✨
1) James JE. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine Epub ahead of print: [please include Day Month Year]. doi:10.1136/ bmjebm-2020-111432