How Veronica Went from Infertility to a Healthy Pregnancy & a Happy Marriage
Today I want to share the incredible transformation of one of my patients.
Veronica came into my clinic after struggling to get pregnant for years with no success.
She had been on birth control pills since she was a teenager and she was worried that her cycle had never gotten back to “normal” after she went off hormones.
She hated having to time intercourse around when she was ovulating. Sex wasn’t fun anymore. And because of all the stress around trying to get pregnant, her relationship was suffering.
Now, I’ve met this woman and her husband many times. They’re an incredibly loving couple!
But as you probably know if you’ve ever faced fertility issues…
The stress of trying to get pregnant can really strain a marriage.
So Veronica bought the Ava Bracelet hoping it would help her track ovulation… but that became even more frustrating when her bracelet said over and over again that the results were inconclusive.
She had no idea when she was ovulating & her attempts to track ovulation weren’t working. And amidst all that, her relationship was strained.
With every passing month and every negative pregnancy test, her anxiety and sadness grew.
That’s when Veronica came into my office.
Within 3 months, we got her cycle regulated through lifestyle changes alone.
By doing the Cultivate Fertility Diet, incorporating mindfulness practices into her daily routine, improving her overall nutrition with the right supplements, and other lifestyle changes…
Within 6 months of her first visit to my office, Veronica was pregnant!
And thanks to our focus on mental health as well as reproductive health… Veronica was able to truly enjoy her life and her relationship again. Even before she got pregnant, she was feeling better than she had in years.
As soon as she released all the stress around getting pregnant & went back to having sex for fun… that’s when she got pregnant!
That’s the magic of a natural approach to whole-body health.
And now you can learn our test-and-true approach…
Without scheduling even more doctor’s appointments or spending time researching with Dr. Google.
In the Prepare for Pregnancy Protocol, we’re making our 30+ combined years of experience as natural fertility doctors available to everyone.
Click here to sign up and transform your fertility journey.
Warmest wishes,
Dr. Kara
Co-founder, Cultivate Fertility