Try this high in essential fatty acid salad dressing to boost your fertility!
Fertility-Boosting Anchovy Dressing Recipe
Makes about 1 ¼ cup - keeps well in the refrigerator
1 small glass jar anchovies packed in olive oil
3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil - or a combination of EVOO and grapeseed oil/avocado oil
1 clove garlic
1 tsp mustard
¼ cup wine vinegar
1 tbsp lemon juice (or more if you want more of a lemon flavor!)
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
We love anchovies for fertility and this salad dressing is absolutely fabulous!
We use this dressing in our fertility diet program to get women and men to eat more vegetables and essential fatty acids when trying to conceive. These fats are so important for fertility because they help boost egg and sperm quality and eventually help the development of the nervous system of the baby.
Deficiency in these fats is common and they are an important key to fertility. However, you want to choose fish that are the highest quality and lowest in toxins and heavy metals. Anchovies are tiny so they don’t accumulate the heavy metals in the ocean water as much as the bigger fish, which makes them safer to consume.
To start this delicious dressing, you’ll want to open a small jar of anchovies (be sure to get the ones packed in oil) and put them into a high-speed blender.
Next, you’ll add a few cloves of garlic, mustard, pepper, vinegar, and oil.
You can also add some lemon which helps digestion and mineral absorption.
Then blend all the ingredients together! Make sure you blend up the chunks to make the dressing nice and smooth.
This dressing will stay fresh in the fridge for at least a week. It’s delicious as a Ceasar dressing, and kids love it!